The project comprises a total of 836 bedrooms split between 75 studio flats and 761 cluster flat bedrooms. The site is bisected in two halves by a road which the student accommodation spans to a height of 16 storeys. In order to achieve this, a highways approved 3 beam post tension bridge was constructed by RG Group to form the support structure to this 16 storey element of the building.
In addition to the highways element, the site shares a boundary with the railway approach to Portsmouth and Southsea station.
The building height varies between 25, 18, 9, 8 and 7 storeys with a common space viewing platform at level 19.
External elevations consist of an aluminium rainscreen cladding, aluminium framed windows and louvres to achieve the planning requirement for colour variation and a crisp, futuristic appearance.
The scheme has achieved design stage BREEAM excellent with the incorporation of heat recovery, CHP and adherence to tight waste control and management measures.
In addition to the student accommodation, 14nr market traders units with associated welfare and refuse facilities were constructed as part of a lease agreement with Portsmouth City Council.