St Modwen. Letchworth

st modwen letchworth construction

The works at Letchworth comprised the construction 83,000 sq ft of industrial units in 2 buildings, with office accommodation at first floor together with associated external works, drainage and external services.

The works included ground improvements, strip and pad foundations, facing brick and wall cladding to external walls, roof including gutters and rainwater installations, windows, glazing and external doors, blockwork internal walls and drainage connections. External works comprised tarmacadam access roads, car parking spaces and circulation routes, ACO and gulley drainage connections.

RG were awarded the project in competitive tender and awarded the project because our bid not only presented best value but also a shorter programme allowing St Modwen to let the units when required. St Modwen, having signed contracts with new tenants, instructed additional works comprising formation of recessed dock ramps and installation of dock levellers and removal of internal dividing walls to form one larger unit, as well as formation of additional doors to the third unit.

The finished project

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