The extensive works contract included demolitions and construction of a new 69,000sqft store and cafe, two level car park, a new 68 bed hotel and gymnasium, external canopy works, public realm and Section 278 works.
Works commenced with the demolition of existing office block and the construction of a temporary supermarket store in its location, facilitating the relocation of the existing Sainsbury’s. Demolitions then continued with the existing supermarket and car park, including the reinforced concrete vehicle access ramp to the upper levels. In its location a new steel framed supermarket was constructed over the existing reinforced concrete basement car park, including full fit out, sales areas, kiosks, counters, checkouts, a café, Argos click and collect area, vertical accesses, back of house areas, WCs, offices etc. Alongside the new store construction, two levels of car park deck were constructed over the supermarket with the formation of a new reinforced concrete spiral ramp structure between the three parking levels. A Travelodge hotel and a large shell only gymnasium was then constructed over the supermarket inclusive of internal lifts and external fire escape stairs.
Extensive works to the public realm consisted of the removal and replacement of the existing canopy entrance to the library and theatre, staircases and lobby refurbishments, hardstanding works, paving, planters and street furniture to the London Road area.
Section 278 works around the perimeter of the site, including the construction of a new signal controlled junction to the entrance of the store car park finished off the works.