Works were to carry out an upper mall extension and new mezzanine level to Bluewater Shopping Centre. The works required removal of existing mezzanine and raising the existing roofline whilst extending out above the new upper floor totalling a new trading floor area circa 2,624sqm.
Enabling works consisted of new foundations and piling to facilitate the erection of main structural steelwork. A crane raised steel from the service yard into location as well as large pre cast items and vertical movement goods.
A steel frame solution was adopted with a 150mm thick concrete slab on tata metal deck supported on a series of secondary and primary steel beams to form the upper-floor and Mezzenine comprised of 38mm particle T&G board supported on 275mm deep lightweight pressed channel at 450 centers which were in turn supported by a grillage of hot-rolled beams.
Service diversions included drainage and HV & LV rerouting within as well as landlord service connections at roof level and retail units rear corridors. New plant decks were also constructed to facilitate service diversions at roof level. Careful coordination with Bluewater management, phased working and traffic management maintained the live shared service yard and ensured the continued shopping centres function.