This scheme comprised construction of a new 38k sales floor store at grade with PFS, demolition, road diversion and extensive Statutory Undertakers works. The programme was 18 weeks enabling followed by 22 weeks of store construction.
Prior to construction of the store, the works were phased to facilitate the relocation and demolition of three independent business premises, a telecoms mast, substation and relocation of Holme Well Road, which provided access to a local Waste Collection Centre and school. Extensive consultation and coordination with the businesses, Leeds City Council and Statutory Undertakers was required to facilitate the respective demolition and road diversion as well as the S278 works, undertaken by Leeds City Council concurrently with these works.
Extensive cut and fill was undertaken to re-profile the site. The scheme was extensively value engineered over a two year period where elevation treatments, heights of the building and site levels were challenged repeatedly and subsequently approved through S73 Application. BREEAM Very Good was achieved.