Land Securities. Zara, Bluewater

RG Group were appointed the main contractor for the extension of the Zara retail unit at Bluewater, Kent. The overall scope of works consisted of the construction of a new shell and core building to a live trading store. The works involved constructing new piled foundations, installing a new steel superstructure frame and concrete floor […]
Land Securities. Bluewater H&M

Works were to carry out an upper mall extension and new mezzanine level to Bluewater Shopping Centre. The works required removal of existing mezzanine and raising the existing roofline whilst extending out above the new upper floor totalling a new trading floor area circa 2,624sqm. Enabling works consisted of new foundations and piling to facilitate […]
Land Securities. Bexhill

RG Group were appointed to build a new shell for Marks and Spencer in a space made available by demolition of a bowling alley in a live retail park. The shell works consisted of CFA piled foundations with a steel frame and fibre mesh ground floor slab. Hollow deck slabs were installed on 1st and […]