RG Group’s site in Waterlooville was named as runner up in the Considerate Constructor Scheme’s ‘Ivor Goodsite’ hoarding competition. Sites were encouraged to involve local schools and community groups to decorate their hoardings at the launch in April.
The Sainsbury’s project team invited pupils from Riverside Community Special School to decorate panels and the results were fantastically bright and colourful. This is the second year of the hoarding competition run by the scheme, and the CCS commented:
‘The Ivor Goodsite Hoarding competition has proved to be a successful innovation for construction sites across the UK to work together with their surrounding communities, and actively involve young people who may be affected by their works. Upon entering the competition, the children were given the opportunity to learn about construction, even though the hoarding decorations may only be temporary, the experience may be a long term impression and possibly be the incentive for some to consider a career in construction as they become older!”
RG Project manager John Henderson said:
“We thoroughly enjoyed having the pupils visit site to see their pictures up and on display on the hoarding. We were thrilled with the artwork they produced and the feedback from local residents has been wonderful.”