LSH Auto UK Limited appointed RG Group under a Pre Contract Services Agreement in order to get site works moving at the very earliest opportunity. For the site team this meant that the enabling works and then the main works were progressing at pace while dealing with programme critical challenges.
Along with these challenges were the considerable environmental and ecological obstacles in the form of:
- Ephemeral water body to be drained under watching brief
- Badger sett relocations in 2018 and further satellite sett closures in 2019
- Contaminated land – remediation strategy and management undertaken
- Standing water and saturated ground during protracted cut and fill exercise

The build included:
- Over 1,500 operatives inducted onto site and over half a million man hours worked in total
- 121,000 cubic metres of earth moved and stone placed during earthworks
- Over 2,500 tonnes of steel in the main frames
- 6,500 square meters of cladding
- 2,800 square meters of glazing
- 7,000 square metres of roofing materials
- 121,000 ceramic tiles laid
- Over 3000 light fittings in the Autohaus
- Over £6m worth of cars are displayed in the Autohaus, the largest Mercedes-Benz showroom in Europe
The Body and Paint Centre has now been trading since the 14th March 2019 and the Autohaus opened to the public on the 29th July.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the whole project team for their hard work and commitment.